
Open in 2020

Benefits メリット
How to apply for campaign benefits キャンペーン特典適用方法
Campaign benefits application period キャンペーン特典適用期間
Number of campaign benefit applicants 特典適用対象人数等
Application conditions 適用条件
Disclaimer We are not responsible for any losses, liabilities, damages, expenses, troubles between applicants or between applicants and third parties, or any other claims arising out of applying for or winning this campaign. We may change or discontinue all or part of this campaign without prior notice to the applicants. If we deem it necessary, we may amend these Terms and Conditions without prior notice to applicants and take necessary measures to ensure this campaign is exercised appropriately.
Please note that we will not be responsible for any damages caused by the inability to access, register, or display this service due to any delay or failure as a result of concentrated access to this service, the condition of the communication line, or for any other events that may occur due to this delay or failure.
The internet connection and communication costs for the application of this campaign will be borne by the applicant.
Website URL URL
Prefecture Ishikawa Prefecture
Facility name Nezumitamon Gate and Nezumitamon Bridge of Kanazawa Castle
Facility location 1-4-28 Hosai, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture
Contact details for customers 問い合わせ先